4 Common Guidelines for Pets in a Community in Phoenix, Arizona

4 Common Guidelines for Pets in a Community in Phoenix, Arizona

The dog population is massive and growing in the USA, with around 90 million dogs, roughly one dog for every three and a half people. That's why you, as a property owner or manager, have a 70% chance of encountering a dog when renting properties out to families (and we haven't even mentioned cats, rodents, or birds yet).

Allowing pets in a community has some unique advantages and risks. To access the benefits, there are many standard policies that HOAs put in place to manage pet-associated risks. Read on to learn about the four most common pet guidelines HOAs put in place.

1. Pet Registration

The number one policy an HOA should have is that pet owners register their pets with the HOA. Every other rule you might include hinges on this requirement because it allows the HOA to know what kinds of pets they're dealing with. It also allows the HOA to follow up with the right owners if needed.

2. Proof of Vaccines

An integral part of the pet registration process should be the requirement for vaccination documents, particularly for rabies. This is because any animal or person can contract this disease, and there is, to date, no effective treatment.

Having a situation where infections can spread quickly between a community's pets can negatively impact everyone's standard of living. Distressed animals are likelier to make a lot of noise, cause damage, and even bite residents.

3. Limiting Pet and Pack Size

The two most common pet restrictions are HOA dog rules that limit the size of the breed and a limit on the number of pets allowed per household. We lump them together because the circumstances that make either necessary also apply to the other.

These HOA policies typically apply in communities with small, tightly-packed together units. Bigger dogs can cause a ton of damage and make terrible noise if forced into small spaces the whole day. However, cats, small dogs, birds, and rodents can also be destructive in numbers.

4. A Detailed and Clear Violation Protocol

The last thing that most HOAs include in their pet policies is a detailed step-by-step process for adjudicating violations. Having reasonable procedures set up beforehand promotes fairness, as the association won't be at pains to freestyle a problem-solving technique for each individual who may break the rules.

It's best if this procedure has a time frame clause that encourages the parties to deal with the problem quickly. Having a tiered system of different penalties for different levels of violations is also a good feature.

Make the Best of Having Pets in a Community

Allowing pets in a community can have incredible benefits but gives the HOA more to manage. Enforcing these standard HOA guidelines makes this task far more straightforward.

Requiring pet registration and vaccination makes the HOA aware of all the pets in the area and their owners. Size and number limits help prevent noise and potential damage. It's also best to have a standard violation procedure as part of the pet policy.

If you need help setting up an airtight pet policy, contact us today. Our association assistance can give you the best solution for your properties' needs.
